Around Town
Chamber Lunch & Learn
CRI Partner Frank Mason spoke at the Greater Gainesville Chamber Lunch & Learn meeting. Frank discussed CRI Advanced Analytics and presented an overview of CRI and our services.
Florida Cannabis Law Seminar
CRI Partner Scott Bailey spoke to the University of Florida School of Law on March 19, 2022, regarding the finance and banking implications for cannabis businesses.
J.P. Morgan 2022 Mergers and Acquisitions
CRI Partner Jeff Hawkins presented at the J.P. Morgan 2022 Mergers and Acquisitions: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities webinar on March 16, 2022. This one-hour presentation focused on the aforementioned facets of M&A from a macro perspective.
Florida Housing Coalition – ERASE Webinar
CRI Partner April Shuping recently presented during the sixth edition of the ERASE webinar series hosted by the Florida Housing Coalition. This presentation, aimed at the successful implementation of Alachua County ERAP programs, discussed some of the challenges faced, lessons learned, and the partnerships within the program itself.
Greater Gainesville Chamber: Lunch & Learn – Creating Optimism: The Power of Resilience
Frank Mason, a CRI Partner in our Northeast Florida office group, recently spoke to the Greater Gainesville Chamber of Commerce. Frank discussed CRI's tax service line and the importance of using a CRI tax professional given the many changes in tax laws.
Understanding Financial Statements – SBDC Florida
CRI Partner John Rowe presented on the basics of financial statements, why you need them, and how to use them to manage a successful business. This event takes place on February 8, 2022, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Putnam County Chamber of Commerce in Palatka, FL.
GFOAA 2021 Summer Conference
CRI Partner Andrew Waits spoke at the Government Finance Officers Association of Alabama (GFOAA) 2021 Summer Conference. His session covered an update on the latest GASB guidance.
Employee Retention Credit – Have you Heard?
CRI Partner Michele Kirkland recently spoke to the Clovis Curry County Chamber of Commerce regarding the Employee Retention Credit on December 7, 2021.
Santa Fe Charity and Nonprofit Organization Workshop
CRI Partner Rhonda Williams helped arrange and spoke on the Form 990 at a recent event in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The nonprofit focused workshop was held on November 5, 2021.
ASCPA Governmental Accounting and Auditing Forum
CRI Partner Andrew Waits spoke at the ASCPA's Governmental Accounting and Auditing Forum on December 10, 2021. This presentation covered Single Audit and Yellow Book Updates.